Sunday, October 23, 2011

More Final Fantasy Inspired Characters

This has got to be one of my favorite posts so far. I drew the first guy and was shocked; he is such a stud muffin (if I don't say so myself)! And well, I couldn't have just put up one picture so I made the girl. She's pretty cool too. 

As you probably know, I love drawing Final Fantasy inspired characters and these are some of those guys. Funny thing is, they don't have enough bits and bobs all over their outfits to be real Final Fantasy characters. I could have added 50 extra accessories and it still wouldn't have been enough. These are just some examples (from Final Fantasy XIII): 

You get me? And this isn't even the worst (or best) of it!

You see what I mean? Stud muffin! Of course he has nothing on real Final Fantasy dudes, but you'll never get better if  you don't try.

Yes, her foot dose look weird, but I was too lazy to fix it...

Well, that's all for now. Hope you enjoyed it. If you have any requests for anything, GO FOR IT! It would be fun!

Friday, October 7, 2011

I'm Back!!!

Sorry for not posting for so long :( I went into some kind of artist's depression; I couldn't draw anything for weeks! No matter how hard I tried, they never came out the way I wanted them to. My creative juices were not flowing. In fact they were as stagnant as a swamp! It stank, and I think mosquitoes were starting to reproduce in them...and no one likes mosquitoes.

Then, a few days ago, my juices started flowing again! And here I am again drawing and scanning like my old self. It's nice to be me again. I need to find a way to keep my juices flowing... How, though?

A lovely princess...

Gone Bad! (The hair is part of the helmet. She tucks the real stuff in when she's kicking keister)

A girl's head. Yup.

I was in a clothes designing mood when I drew this. Kind of 1800's France with a twist. I think it's cool! Not the coolest thing in the world, but cool.

I will try and be more consistent with my posting, but if I don't post for a while you will know why. This is not the first time I've gone into one of these "artist's blocks". I honestly don't have any idea why they happen.  Whenever it happens though, I think of Kiki's Delivery Service. You know the little witch that loses her powers and then get's them back in the nick of time to save her friend. Good movie, good movie...

Sunday, August 28, 2011

More Stuff

Hi again! I have more stuff! Painted stuff and not painted stuff. Check it out!

I love my maid! She is just the cutest thing! The clueless look on her face is so charming. I really shouldn't be complementing my own art...

This guy is pretty tough. Observe the look on his face. He knows it. The scarf adds to the toughness factor.

Not a super huge fan of this one. I just kind of made it so I could paint something. Even so, not a big fan of the colors. I wanted to do something with a fire theme. The black is for the coals, yellow and red is for the flame, and brown is for the wood. It just didn't turn out how I wanted it to. Do you recognize the dude? Here take a closer look...

He's the guy above with the awesome scarf! He is such a cutie!(Honestly, I just asked that question so I would have an excuse to put up a close up of his face) He's kiddish but manly all at once! The only thing I like about this picture is his face. I'm complementing my own art again... Oh well, I just can't help it!

 Thanks for checking out my stuff! Even more stuff will be coming soon! Sorry if this one was kind of a disappointment. I'll try to do better next time!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Fairy Tails and Fantasy

I haven't done any painting recently (I know I'm bad). I was planning on doing some painting with the first picture I put up but I was to scared. It was so cool, I didn't want to mess it up! I'm sure in the future I'll probably think it stinks, but for now I'll leave it as is.

I've always loved fairy tails and fantasy. Video games, books, movies, you name it! That's why I devoted this post to that kind of stuff. The first one is a Kingdom Hearts inspired one. If you don't know what that is, I pity you. No I don't pity you, but if you like video games with awesome story lines how about you check it out some time!

Believe me the scan doesn't do it justice. Sure it's not the best in the world... But anyway, check out this guy! He rocks at playing the piano and this song hits me like a locomotive going at 100 miles an hour straight at my head... In a good way! This piece is called Dearly Beloved from Kingdom Hearts.

*sniff* *sniff* Okay, lets continue!

This guy is hot stuff. He's got a big sword and a cute face, what more could you want?

See if you can guess what this one is. DING DING DING! That's right! It's Alice! How could you tell?

This here is my very own princess! Who said a princess needs long hair? Somebody crazy!

Thanks for checking out my newest post! I promise I'll try my best to make every one of them worth while. Plus if you have any awesome songs that gives you inspiration please comment about it below. Music is my main source of inspiration so I would love an extra boost of it!   

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Water Colors!

I decided that I would use these cool water color pencils I have as my first coloring project. All you do with them is color in the picture like you would with normal colored pencils, but then you take a wet brush and paint over it and the colors blend out. It's actually really fun! I still have a lot of room for improvement. I still have to figure out some of the techniques used in water color pencil painting. Here's how they look so far:

 This one turned out okay... I really enjoy drawing movement, I don't get why I don't more often! But can you tell that the picture is supposed to be  from an upward angle? I'll have to work on that. Her face is so cute and innocent looking! I'm kind of proud of that part.

This one was really fun with all the ruffles on the back of the dress. I was wondering at first weather I should put shadow under every layer of the ruffles; so glad I did! Her look is supposed to kind of Sherlock Holmesie, also known as Steam Punk. I love this kind of look! It's so fun and whimsical with a slight dark side! You'll see a lot more of these in the future, and with even more ruffles, trinkets, and details! 

Friday, August 19, 2011

Pictures with Backgounds

These are two of  the  very few drawings I have with backgrounds. Backgrounds take forever and involve using a ruler a lot. A LOT! I should have used the ruler for the "Hamburger Heaven", but I just freehanded it instead and unfortunately you can tell.

This one is by request. I finished it last night. Sorry it's kind of smudged...really smudged! Dang it, I promise I'll do better next time!

A lady pirate searching for treasure or maybe mermaids. You can decide. The lines are kind of light, but if your computer screen is anything like mine, look at it from an angle and they'll become darker.  She's in a cavern looking into the water and the sun is setting outside. I drew this one after I found out that "Pirates of the Caribbean 4" was coming out. I was so excited! Who doesn't love pirates right? Well, probably the people they killed are not so fond of them.  

I'm planning on attempting to paint or color some of my drawings this weekend. I'm scared... 


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

My First Scanned Drawings!

Here is some of my art. They turned out pretty nice I'd say. But they look like a 1950's film; they're all black and white! I need to learn how to color them in somehow. To be honest I'm always afraid that I'll ruin the picture if I start coloring it (believe me, I've done it before). I should probably figure out what type of method to use like water color, paint, markers, pencils, ect.

I'm going to apologize beforehand. I have to put in an explanation for every picture so you don't look at them and go like, "what the heck is that?!" Let's hope that never happens, but if it dose please don't hesitate to ask, okay?
One worthy to be my fist picture I post! This is a cute, little chibi pirate. He's my little baby, I love him so much!!!! Is that wierd?

Here is my priestess form Final Fantasy or something. I think she looks cool. Her hair needs work though... I need to practice shiny stuff.

This one scanned kind of weird. I got it from one of my sketch book with thinner pages so it got the one behind. She's a magician by the way...

 Ahhh, love. I'm not gunna lie, I'm kind of jealous of this girl.

Haha, the wizard's apprentice.

This is a school girl (isn't she just the cutest?). Same girl, different uniform.

That's all for now. If any of you have requests just post it and I might do them (it will give me some practice). You need to remember though that each of these pictures took about a half an hour or more so I'm going to be kind of picky.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Hi, my name is Maddie. I love drawing anime (a Japanese form cartoon), but sometimes I just have no motivation to improve. That's why I started Doki Doki. I made it so I can push myself and track my progress. Please be patient with me because this is my first blog and I might make some mistakes.

Doki Doki (pronounced "doe key doe key") is pretty much the sound effect for a heart beat in Japanese; the language of the country where anime originated. Don't ask me why I chose it, it just sounds super cute! Hopefully I can post often and put up lots of art, just keep on bugging me and I'll do it. (that's why I made this righ?)

I would love to hear your comments and thoughts, so feel free comment you heart out!

I'm really looking forward to getting this blog going! Please stick with me okay?